Fall Harvest Ceremony and Fun Fairy and Little People Play shop Oct 22 - 23
with Senior Shamanic Apprentice Charlotte Murphy RN and Azurae Windwalker
Join us in honoring the Harvest of our Lives in dance, drumming, singing, storytelling, spiritual giveaways, and potlucking!

You may experience the Corn Dance, Friendship Dances and the Dance of the Harvest. Take part in a Spiritual Giveaway Ceremony. Bring an important spiritually significant gift you wish to give away and then you’ll receive a wonderful unexpected new gift from someone else. Dance, drum, do the Cherokee Sunray Dance of the Directions. Hear traditional Native stories and the Red Feather Medicine Singers. Dress Warmly. Bring chairs. Bring Pot luck dishes, drums, ceremonial objects etc. Find out more about what we do, and our Earth keeping mission at www.theamethystcenter.com.
A love offering is taken & art silent auction is provided for the Amethyst Center’s Earth keeping work.
Play and Gather Healing Energies at Sat. Oct 22's Fun Fairy and Little People Playshop with Azurae and medium Charlotte Murphy RN
Aids an easier ascension process into the 5th World of Self Mastery, Harmony, Unity and Cooperation.
Experience more peace and heal harmoniously with the energy of the Earth.
Clear and raise the vibration of you and your property to a healthy frequency more harmonious to nature spirits, fairies and Little People
You receive direct teachings and direct healings from the fairy folk, the Little People, the devas, the tree, herb and stone people, the elements and White Light Masters who have agreed to work and play with us.
Communicate and forge working/playing relations with them for further independent study and healings with Nature Spirits anywhere.
Increase your intuitive awareness.
Hones skills for shamanic journey in problem solving, aura strengthening, Nature Spirit Energy Medicine, clearing trauma, and balancing divine Male/Female energies. This series is the second step to apprenticeship.
Build a Nature Spirit Altar
Learn songs and chants the Nature Spirits are drawn to.
Learn how to build a sanctuary for Nature Spirits at home and practice Earth keeping skills to help Mother Earth!
Illustrate your experience in Art or Journaling.

Find out more and register at www.theAmethystCenter.com or Mail your $50 deposit & registration two weeks in advance to: Azurae Windwalker The Amethyst Center, 4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton VA 24174 (Between Lynchburg and Roanoke in Bedford Co.) Pay pal and register at azuraewwlkr8@earthlink.net.
Come at 11 am Sunday for pre ceremony Dancing with the Dragons Earthkeeping Practices
Radiation released by the recent earthquakes and tsunamis threaten to kill all wildlife in the Pacific and our food sources. Let us help as gifted healers, prayer makers, and shamanic practitioners. The Angels of Healing, the White Light Masters and the Spirit in Nature often help us in diverting and lessening this and other ecological disasters. On the Serpent Mound Effigy rug we will once again set intent for planetary healing. Join us in this very special eco-shamanism ceremony. Prayer changes things! Love offering!
Dress warmly, bring a potluck dish, drums and rattles if you have them, spiritual giveaway gift, some of your bountiful harvest, a basket, and a thankful heart.
Location: The Amethyst Center, 4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton, VA 24174 (between Bedford and Roanoke 3.5 mile off of Rt. 460) Call 540-947-2423 to rsvp. Find directions at http://www.theamethystcenter.com