Soul Retrieval - A Necessary Ascension Practice
by Azurae Windwalker
shaman is a man or woman who interacts directly with spirits to address
the spiritual aspects of illness, perform soul retrievals, divine
information, help the spirits of deceased people cross over, and perform
a variety of ceremonies for the community. Shamans have taken on many
roles in tribal communities. They have acted as healers, doctors,
priests, psychotherapists, mystics, and storytellers.” Sandra Ingerman, author and shaman

you ever heard someone say “I have never been the same since a certain
(negative) event happened”? Have you ever seen someone with blank dead
eyes with little light coming from them? That probably means soul loss
has occurred! Most
shamanic cultures around the world believe that illness is due to the
loss of soul parts. So when the shaman retrieves and restores the lost
soul parts - mental, emotional spiritual and physical heath can be
restored. In this time of higher and higher frequencies on Mother Earth,
people are Shifting up and recognizing that something is missing in
their lives. And they are seeking to fill the holes in themselves in
both healthy and unhealthy ways according to their knowledge and soul
path of learning.
Earth is calling her children home. The high frequency of this Shift
has set up a situation where lost soul parts are waiting in line to be
retrieved and returned to their home. This
is a new occurrence that has happened in the last few years, perhaps in
sync with the Galactic alignment of Dec. 21, 2012. As Dannion Brinkley,
lightning shaman, near death experiencer and author says, “We chose to
be born now and we were chosen to be here in this auspicious time as
helpers and healers.” It is truly a time of soul ascension. Soul
Retrieval plays a very important part in this! Soul retrieval is a necessary part of Ascension Practice!!!!!
is time to come back home again to live in the Light and live fully and
wholly on Mother Earth. The way showers among us are choosing to
co-create the world we want to live in.... the 5th World of
Light. To do this we must magnetize our Planetary New Golden Age and our
personal best possible futures by having much higher and whole soul energy
frequencies. This means we must return
our lost soul parts, lose our heavy hucha energies, release those who
have traumatized us, and clear the chords which bind us together and forgive. As we retrieve and reintegrate the Light of our lost soul parts within our
cells, molecules, DNA and heart soul center we remember who we really are! Powerful Spiritual Beings here to serve and love. Then we can fully share our
Light as part of the Galactic Community. So NOW is REALLY the time for
the return of the Shamen and Soul Retrieval to the people and the
planet. “We are the ones we have been waiting for!” say the Hopi.
Soul Loss is a Survival Tactic...Soul Retrieval is a Return to Wholeness and a Full Life
retrieval is so powerfully healing! Nothing else works as well as
becoming whole to oneself - of the energy we are rightfully entitled
to! Many people know something is wrong...they might even
say...something is missing! They have half of the answer...they just
didn't know it was part of them! You do this (soul retrieval) work as
a medicine woman/shaman.....The great thing is that no matter the
method, the recognition of the trauma that caused the (soul) break,
there is the great need to return this soul part and integrate it. I
appreciate your being here on earth at this time to act as guide to
others higher awareness and the healing of our Mother Earth. Keep up
the great work, and may you receive the blessings of our
forefathers/grandmothers, plus the Great Spirit that connects us
all!” Dee
Chips, President of the National Association for Transpersonal
loss is a survival tactic that helps us survive pain. For instance,
part of your soul might fragment or disassociate rather than feeling the
massive pain of hitting a rock wall in a car wreck. So, in fact, it is
truly a soul’s divinely intelligent and natural way of coping and NOT a
negative thing. The Spirit in Nature has such enormous intelligence in
balancing and harmonizing our souls’ progression up the Spiral of
Ascension. Soul Loss is part of Nature’s plan.
someone suffers an emotional or physical trauma a part of our soul
flees the body to survive. Our souls are the essence of the self, the
vital life force energy that keeps us alive and thriving. Types of
trauma resulting in soul loss would be an accident, a severe shock, war
trauma, being a victim of a natural disaster or terrorist act, or
abusive relationship. Surgery,
addictions, divorce, death of a loved one, and moral dilemmas may also
cause soul loss. Abuse in any form is a likely cause of soul loss too.
Occasionally someone might even intentionally steal a soul part from
another person. What might cause soul loss in one person may not even
affect another person. We are all very unique in this according to the
soul path and lessons we signed on to master.
Usually a lost soul part does not come back by itself. In
fact it may not even know the trauma has passed and that it is safe to
return. And one could be so young when this trauma occurred that he or
she can’t even remember the soul loss event. So usually the shaman must seek the lost soul part in non ordinary reality and return it to the body of the client.
do these lost soul parts go? Shamans know that a piece of the soul
leaves the body and goes to another dimension which is called in
shamanism, non-ordinary reality. I believe that as we shift up and move
out of the 3rd dimension and closer and closer to the 5th
dimension, Soul retrievals will become easier and easier. Ten years ago
it seems a shamanic practitioner was lucky to retrieve two lost parts. To retrieve up to 4 in one healing session for a client is now possible for me and my clients. Non-ordinary reality is changing!
the lost soul part waits until someone intervenes in the spiritual
realms and facilitates its return. Soul retrieval was once a fairly
difficult task and it took a fair degree of shamanic mastery to do it. However,
since the frequency of the planet has risen so high during the Shift,
now many lost soul parts seem to be waiting in line to be returned. They are waiting there for you, knocking at the door of your Heart Soul Center! I
see this often when I do Soul Petroglyph Portraits. These charcoal and
pastel drawings illustrate the perfection of the soul’s blueprint in
petroglyphic symbols, colors, totems, angels, elements and ancestors. At
the conclusion of the drawing I use the frequency of the soul’s perfect
blueprint to magnetize lost soul parts back into the body easily. And
the client can use the Soul Portrait in the same way to return lost soul
parts using a triangular hand mudra over the art. The Returning these
lost soul parts is a very important part of our ascension process. And having a way to do do-it-yourself soul retrieval is very important now!
The Symptoms of Soul Loss
Some of the more common symptoms of soul loss are dissociation -
feeling not fully in your body and alive and not fully engaged in life.
Other symptoms include chronic depression, suicidal tendencies, post
traumatic stress syndrome, immune deficiency problems, and grief that
just do not heal. Addictions are also a sign of soul loss as we seek
external sources to fill up the empty spaces inside of us whether
through substances, food, relationships, work, or buying material
our modern material culture is so disassociated from and ignorant of
our soul health - we create patterns that go back thirty or forty years
without healing. Thus we relive our first trauma, or core trauma, over
and over again. In
shamanic cultures these traumas are caught early, often within a few
days, so the soul health of the individual and the community culture is
restored with little damage. I
have seen original core traumas going back through many lifetimes to be
relived over and over in varying traumatic incidents until they are
cleared and the soul parts retrieved….Same soap opera, different
characters in different times. For instance a sailor, who was drowned
tragically in an ancient past life sea battle, might in the next life express this trauma again as a submarine worker in fear of the sea, chronic bronchitis and lung cancer.
such a case I would suggest a core trauma release and soul retrieval
that goes through the present and past back to the far past to heal the
original trauma. The idea being that if you clear the original trauma
and that of the present, the rest in between will clear themselves. In
Core Trauma Release I work with shamanic journey, neurolinguistic
programming and shamanizing with the help of the Spirit in Nature, the
White Light Masters, the Angels of healing, and the soul of myself and
the client. Breath
work, drumming, sacred song and energy medicine also assist this
pattern to be cleared in body, mind, spirit and emotion. Then the
repeating soap opera of that trauma is happily ended. Soul Retrieval is
easily completed. And with aftercare and lifestyle change, health,
happiness and well being can be restored.When
we put money and greed over life you can really see how much soul loss
there is on the planet today and how much we are out of balance as a
society. There are so many takers of life now, both literally and
metaphysically, that many people feel like giving up. Evil is live
spelled backwards. Those who heartlessly rape and pillage Mother Earth’s
resources and take her life force - disrespect their Earth Mother as
well as spoil their home and family future. They are surely experiencing
and acting out of soul loss. Those materialists who numbly buy and buy
things to find happiness to fill the gaping hole left by soul loss will
never EVER fill it. Let us pray for those beings to return their lost
parts home! This is the true great disease of the 21st century. Only soul retrieval will mend this hole.
And as we retrieve our lost soul parts, and are fully in our bodies
NOW, we help to heal others as we are all connected energetically and
are resonating together harmonically. Heal yourself. Heal the planet! There is hope!
Core Trauma Clearing with Soul Retrieval Benefits you with Body, Mind and Spirit Health

In Core Trauma Release with Soul Retrieval it is most important to
address how the trauma is held in spirit, emotional, physical and mental
bodies. The Medicine of Wheel Life contains these in its four
quadrants. Various people hold trauma in differing ways. Using the
Medicine Wheel as a metaphor we can determine which area is weakest. During
Soul Retrieval in Core Trauma Release the client is coached in earth
sun circular breathing so they stay powered up for the shamanic journey
as I play the heartbeat on the drum. They are led through present, past
and far past with a spiraling drum beat and instructed in NLP clearing
ways to erase present and past life trauma from the Mental Body as the
White Light Spirit Doctors work on them in the Spiritual, Emotional,
Physical Bodies. Sometimes the Little People Energy Medicine Workers
give an assist. I also clear and heal the chakra holding cellular trauma
from the Core Trauma with energy medicine. Then in the shamanic journey
the clients have an opportunity to talk to their non-ordinary Journey
Guide or Totem to find the soul meaning or lesson from the trauma.
then do I journey to the dimension where the lost soul parts are held
and coax them home. Then I blow the lost soul parts back into the body,
integrating them into the cells, molecules, DNA and into the soul heart
center. The
Light of the Soul as it enters the body looks like many tiny points of
light much like the Star Trek beaming up light. I tell the client to see
a light version of their body descending into their body. Sometimes
this looks like their adult body. Or
perhaps it might look like a teen or young child depending on when the
trauma occurred. Occasionally the Soul Light Body might look like
someone of a different sex or even like an ancient warrior from a past
client connects to this Light using any metaphor which occurs to them.
The client focuses on this metaphor as I blow the returned soul essence
back into them. I ask clients breathe deeply as they absorb the Light of
their Soul into every cell and molecule. Using rattles, drums, sacred
geometry and healing songs I seal the soul parts back in the body. I
also cut non beneficial chords to situations or people which may or may
not be relevant to the trauma which precipitated the soul loss. And I
may SEE with my shaman’s eyes any timeline trauma ropes, etheric nets,
swords, arrows or spirit attachments and remove them from the body. When
these are removed I ask the angels to fill the gaps with energetic
angel honey which heals any wound from the inside out. When the client
comes out of their journey, they look in the mirror and they immediately
see much more Light coming from their eyes, the seat of the soul!!!!!
It is an amazing and powerful immediate change! Sometimes there are actually physical changes in the body too!
the client and I debrief and share the visions we saw during their
healing journey. They drink some “magic energized healing water” to
rehydrate and so do I. Core trauma release and soul retrieval requires a lot of energy and this is a lot of work!!!! Often we see different versions or details of the same story. We may use muscle testing to verify any details we might not be clear on during the core trauma journey. I
write some of the journey details and give them to the client for
further meditation. For homework the client must look into a mirror
directly into their own eyes for ten days and say, “I love you and
welcome home!” to each soul part that has been retrieved. They do this
to cement the lost soul parts in with love which is the glue of the
soul. And I suggest that they take sea salt baths and drink lemon water to clear toxins kicked out during the journey and soul retrieval.
Now it is time for aftercare. The
client must change unhealthy lifestyles to create a healthy life style
and attract healthy relationships. The goal is wholeness and a life
filled with healing. The client must begin to police their thoughts
because we attract what we think. They must set goals for emotional,
mental, physical and spiritual health. And act on them. They must ask
themselves, “How do I best use all the returned vitality I have? How
can I use this renewed personal energy to build a positive present and
future for myself, my family and community? How do I thrive? What is my
passion? What is my soul path?” Long term healing after soul retrieval
depends on these life style and changes in thought patterns.
the sake of a bright future for Mother Earth, for your own higher
ascension as a soul and for a far more happy and whole life right NOW in
ordinary reality, think about how soul retrieval can help and heal you!
I will be
glad to help you. And if you are a Shamanic practitioner think how you
can better serve your community with Soul Retrieval. I teach these methods in my apprenticeship program. Shine your Soul Light brightly!
About Azurae Windwalker
Azurae Windwalker is a shamanic artist, Nature Spirit energy medicine healer, life coach and teacher of Practical Shamanism. Her
healing practice has spanned 30 years with thousands enjoying her
wisdom at Body Mind Spirit Expos, healing centers, universities and
Unity Churches. Inspired by her American Indian ancestors, Azurae’s
Practical Shamanism is an ever-growing practice that meets the
challenges of today. Azurae
was trained in a seven-year apprenticeship in the XAT Native American
Medicine Society where she became a ceremonial leader and it’s council
pipe carrier. Building
on a traditional base she was gifted with the intuitive guidance from
her Spirit Doctors and the Spirit of Nature to craft a Practical
Shamanic Practice that is available to all people who seek to explore
their gifts of healing, intuition, psychic self-protection, and
Earthkeeper Wisdom.
maintains a busy healing practice using shamanic healing and art,
shamanic journey, core trauma timeline release, release of spirit
attachments, retrieval of lost soul parts, chord cutting and psychic
surgery. Azurae employs methods such as Angelic Intervention, Ceremony,
Spirit Doctoring, NLP, and Medical Intuitive Kinesiology. Dowsing, stone
and herbal shamanic healing are also employed to bring wholeness,
health and balance to clients. Her seven Spirit Doctors and the Brotherhood of White Light continue to bring new techniques to Azurae and her students as needed.
Contact Azurae at for an appointment or at 540-947-2423
Read more about Azurae's Practical Shamanism and Nature Spirit Energy Medicine at