Reflections upon the
Sedona Vortex Experience as an Aid to the Soul Transformation Process
was written for my shamanic students who traveled with me to the Sedona
Vortexes on an Earthkeeper Adventure and scouting party for a larger
group next year. Sacred places and vortexes are everywhere. We worked
quite often with the vortexes here at the Amethyst Center and at the
Peaks of Otter near here in Bedford County. We have worked many years
also at Great Serpent Mound in Ohio. The solar flare energies we are
experiencing have much the same affect on folks as the vortexes do. So
I am sharing this. Contained within is some very important information
for all of us. I'm blogging it for the highest good of all our
relations. Many thanks to Mary Glass, Eve Ah, and Linda Ferguson for
awesome orb and vortex photographs. Walk in balance...Azurae
Shamanic adventures are nebulous events, like the gossamer
wings of dragonflies. Sometimes it’s
hard to pin down the beneficial results but there they are…. flying about
….darting in and out of our soul transformation process, intriguing and
seducing us to move higher up the spiral of evolution.
The energies
and spirits of sacred places like the vortexes have been used for centuries by
seekers to speed up the soul transformation process. As Shamanic Earthkeeper Adventurers we seek
carry this legacy forward. The
difference in the soul process of an Earthkeeper is that as we work for our own
soul transformation we seek to magnify transformation for all our relations and
for Mother Earth.

It is not known how many of you may have ever heard of the butterfly effect,
but sometime in the early 1960s, a scientist named Edward Lorenz, in an
accidental quirk, came across what should have been an otherwise a nearly
non-observable event --- an event that terminated in a huge magnification of
the downstream outcome --- and because of that outcome, in December of 1972,
Lorenz asked members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
in Washington, D.C., “Does the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings in Brazil set off a
Tornado in Texas?” --- making reference to the fact that small, almost
imperceptible happenstances or events can have huge and momentous consequences.
So has the flap of our dragonfly wings created momentous
consequences? Perhaps. We may never know in our lifetime. Only as Spirits
can we see so far. Let us continue to
pray and do our best to move out of the victim stage of soul consciousness,
through the student stage and on to spiritual mastery. As masters we can help
so much more and so many others along
the spiral evolutionary soul path and work effectively with the Spirit in
Nature for Planetary Healing. There has never been a time when we can move so
quickly up the spiral path.

As suggested by the proposal (if
you read it) , “The Earthkeeper Adventure begins with a time of personal healing, going
into the heart soul center, and seeking your personal soul mission and how it
fits into our group mission through meditation, song, dance and shamanic
journey. Then we practice shamanic techniques for Earth energy healing. Finally
we traveled to vortexes and power spots for our (shamanizing) work.” Review the experience. This is what occurred.
The real shamanic work on this adventure was orchestrated by
the Spirit if the Land, the vortex energies and the Supernaturals inhabiting
this sacred place. It was never about me.
I was (and Shaman Rahelio Rodreguiz) the shamanic tour guide(s) sitting
at the bottom of the hill drumming, praying and sending intent to the
Supernaturals for your healing and soul transformation. It is clear to me that
the synchronicities leading up to the trip and how it flowed that our Adventure
was divinely guided all the way. You as
an experiencer and shamanic student had the final say on your own experience of healing.
“In the end…… the love
you take….. is equal to the Love…….. you
make” John Lennon
The spiritual results and feelings you experienced in Sedona
and afterwards are in direct correlation with your absence of ego, your openness
and hollow boneness to the healing shared by these mighty spirit beings around
the vortex energies. Perhaps you would benefit from examining
your emotional landscape during the trip and after to see how you were and are
interacting from the energies of Sedona. In the Soul Transformation process you
are either a victim, student or master. From You Are Not Going Crazy You’re Just
Waking Up by Michael Mirdad we learn the stages of mastery:
VICTIMS – These folks continually feel dragged
through life’s upheavals instead of seeing problems as opportunities to awaken
healing and responsibility for their own lives.. Their victim attitudes keeps
them moving through the dismantling, emptiness and disorientation stages of the
process rather than reaching the student or master level of consciousness.
STUDENTS - They no longer see themselves as victims. They do their best to
consciously make changes to improve their lives which allows them to cross the
bridge to the Rebuilding and A New Life stages of development.
MASTERS – They have the awareness “to be the
soul itself that initiates the Soul
Transformation Process.” Masters dismantle personal illusions about life,
themselves, the people in their lives and find Truth. Painful illusions become
few and far between. They walk in balance and manifest harmony. Problems become
adventures. The Hawaiian Huna shamans
call it, “the way of the adventurer.”
Get it?
How the Vortexes work
on our Emotional Bodies and Our Soul Transformation.
In your Soul
Transformation Process you can create a crisis to bring you to your knees or
simply decide that it makes sense to move on to a new way of living. You can
learn life’s lessons the easy way or the hard way. What do you choose? In a
brief conversation at Roanoke’s Unity Michael Mirdad agreed that a powerful vortex
experience can be very challenging for some folks. Yes, you CAN use the energy of Sedona to choose an
Upflow Vortexes (also called electric or masculine sites), have
energy flows that help you soar to higher spiritual perspectives. They enhance
prayers or meditations for blending with the Universe, feeling one with the
divine, or facing a problem from a Soul level. (Bell Rock was an example
of this.) If you carry too much male
angry competitive aggressive energy your experience with this kind of vortex
will precipitate in angry, competitive and or aggressive behaviors. Stop!!!!!!
Take a look at yourself! Is this you? How does your ego self react?

Inflow Vortexes (also called magnetic or feminine), have energy
flows that help you go inward. In them you will be more successful with
meditations or prayers about your life purposes or how to heal hurts in your past.
(The Fish Hatchery by the creek and the
small vortex where we began the Wheel of
Disintegration was magnetic as well as the
arroyo that Mary Ann, Eva and I laid) If you carry too much feminine energy you
will be a whiner, complainer, have low self esteem, be fearful and/or passive
aggressive. Stop!!!!! Is this you? How can you change this?

There are also
Combination Vortexes that have aspects of both male and female energies. They
are balanced and induce a more balanced consciousness. These allow the seeker
to experience more advanced or in-depth spiritual skills and meditations. (Boynton Canyon and the Cathedral) Balanced people do not experience a lot of
drama. If they are masters they choose to dismantle whatever blocks their
spiritual paths or whatever appears in their lives that is not the Truth. Once masters become proficient in dismantling
personal illusions about life and themselves, such painful illusions become few
and far between and their lives consistently manifest more harmony. THIS IS OUR
Reflection, Dismantling
and Rebuilding
Reflection, Dismantling and Rebuilding are the next steps in our
adventure. Chances are that you have processed some of what has been bubbling
up out of you consciousness and your soul’s blueprint. . I have been doing
that. I hope that you have given
yourself the time out of your busy schedules to do so and reap the benefits of
your investment. If not
make a date with yourself and begin the process. We can only advance as
balanced masters and Earthkeepers if we have worked our own Soul Transformation

As an avid fan of synchronicity
I believe that it was no accident that world renowned spiritual teacher,
healer, author and Sedona Unity Minister, Michael Mirdad, was in Roanoke a few
weeks after we returned home. I suggested that one of my clients who needed
positive male modeling have a
private session with him in order to release her profound grief for the loss of
her husband (who was also a client) and build up her personal power. I bought
his book, You’re Not Going Crazy, You’re Just Waking Up! for her. Then I
read it. Wow! Instead, it has been
invaluable to me in understanding
the healing processes I saw in such glaring evidence in you and myself during
and after Sedona. The vortexes do accelerate soul healing exponentially. So what some
folks see as evil issuing from the vortexes (or what negativity they project upon others) is only their own darkness hitting themselves
in the face.
This invaluable little book has many exercises
that will help you along the Soul Transformation Process! It teaches you about the stages of soul growth
which are 1. Dismantling (sometimes
called the dark night of the soul) 2.
Emptiness 3. Disorientation 4. Rebuilding 5. A New Life……. Where do you fit in these stages?
I wish I had had this information years ago for
myself and for helping others. However, it was only downloaded to Michael in
2013 to help us along the vastly accelerated soul evolutionary pathway we now
experience. Perhaps some of the Sedona Spirits we met and took pictures of were
the downloaders! Please read and work with this book! I am! You may purchase it at IT WOULD BE WELL WORTH THE $15. I imagine that the Wheel of Disintegration
and Integration Process we began in Sedona will also help you through these
stages if you continue to work on it.
Being the Vortex
For a vortex to occur or BE, an incredible amount of things
have to be in place or go before it. The
Sedona Vortex experience as an impetus for Soul Transformation can be imagined
to be fleeting in time like the gossamer wings of the dragonfly gliding upon
the Fish Hatchery Pond or it can be forever relative to our lives. In Carlos Castaneda's
eighth book in his series, Power of Silence, Don Juan, spoke
of how he first met HIS teacher Julian Osorio. He tells Castaneda that when a person's Spirit (or Soul) has something
extremely important to communicate, it will "knock" three times. If
one has the ability or is spiritually in tune with such things, three clear,
unambiguous "meaningful coincidences" will be received showing that a
certain decision is needed to be made or that an indication of a prediction is correct.
For me to spend the considerable time, energy and money to lead this
Sedona Adventure I needed these
signs. These “meaningful coincidences”
1. Receiving the gift three years
ago of a Sedona Vortex CD/DVD tour guide
(which mysteriously vanished at the lodge because we were supposed to follow
our own inner directions and listen to the Spirit of the Land)
2. Finding the Artist and
Shaman documentary four years ago which verified that Rahelio Rodriguez was
to be our shamanic guide and introduce us to the Spirit Doctors and
Supernaturals there. Also knowing and
singing the E not teh not zi calling in song for the Divine Feminine goddess of the
Southwest and Mexico who according to Shaman Rahelio became Mother Mary upon the Christianization
of the Indians. She is an equivalent of White Buffalo Calf Woman who is a guide
to me. And she very powerfully showed up at Boynton Canyon to help and heal us.
3. Talking to Michael Mirdad and reading his
book You’re Not Going
Crazy, You’re Just Waking Up! which
explaiedn the true meaning of the vortex experience as an aid to advanced soul transformation.
Did you have any “meaningful coincidences” associated with the Shamanic
Earthkeeper Adventure? What were
they? If so…… you were supposed to be
And since we are all related, as
in “I am the you, you see and me” as the
Hopi say, It was totally meant for us to have the mix of people we had from all
stages of soul development. How else could we have our buttons
pushed and have the mirrors to do our shamanic work for ourselves and ALL
others for Planetary healing? How else could the students flex their muscles as
counselors and teachers becoming masters
at such an accelerated rate?
To cope with the Soul
Transformative process Mirdad says to:
self responsibility and self awareness.
into the process and minimize blame for yourself and others as you work through
the transformational stages.
supportive friends who support your process
and listen to you and let them know they don’t need to fix you or tell
you about how much worse their lives are than yours.
be too hard on yourself. Have an attitude of gratitude for all your lessons and
healings on the path. Thankfulness begets positive outcomes.
yourself credit for having the courage to change. Don’t get self-inflated and move
on prematurely and or the lesson will slingshot back to you. Work the process.
out for residual stuff that needs processing or for inspirations, signs and
coincidences that offer hints of a new direction.
the ride. Make challenges into
adventures. Did we?
Clearing Up the Sedona Shamanic Perspective
I talked to Shaman Nella
Silverspear recently and expressed my
concern that some of you didn’t quite understand the transcendental nature of a Shamanic
Adventure. Even more advanced students
grasp of our means and mission was cloudy. I explained to her that we were scouts and
that we didn’t know the territory shamanically.
(Yes we could have had an opening briefing to express the situation more
clearly saying that Nothing in fact
WAS clear) But for me, operating in a
shamanic perspective, our opening ceremony in the medicine wheel of grounding,
Calling in the Directions for help, the Sunray Dance, finding our place on the
wheel, and putting tobacco prayers in the wheel for our personal and planetary missions was the shamanic way
to set the stage.
We knew neither the landscape, the
effects of the vortexes or the Supernatural beings who worked there. So it was required of me, as your fearless
leader, to intuit this as we went along.
And for those of you who are advanced students, to help in this as best
you could. Shaman Nella agreed, this is the nature of the shamanic experience. We
have no roadmap. We have only our intuition and the ability to read the signs or
coincidences as we move along the path. This is the realm of Self Mastery.

I went into this adventure with a true Shaman’s Mind…...
Open, neutral, surrendering, taking a leap of faith and going with the flow. Those
of you who shared this Shaman’s Mind had
much better experiences than that
others. I had some expectations and
plans but since I didn’t know the
physical area and (more importantly to a shaman), the Guiding and Healing Spirits of the Land, it was required that I
spend a lot of time questioning and listening for answers. (When you listen to Spirit… what our logical
minds may plan goes out the door!) I was
asking where do we go and what shamanic techniques fit the healing energies and
entities of the landscape? Will the Spirit of the Land and the Supernaturals
here accept us and work with us? How
can we best work shamanically together and individually in order to fulfill our missions for both
personal and planetary healing? The questions we ask lead the way.
I hope that you have learned more about how a shaman works, the Shaman Mind and the shamanic experience through watching and
experiencing my work and Shaman Rahelio’s work. We don’t know everything. We
are just good at channeling the High Spiritual Masters, the Spirit of Nature
and the Chief Angels who do.
Sedona Unity Minister
and spiritual master Michael Mirdad says, “Human beings tend to be control
freaks. The propensity to jump in and take control is never strongest than when
you feel afraid and/or out of control. Refrain from jumping in and meddling
with things. As much as you can and as
often as possible to let go of the desire of control. As A Course in
Miracles expresses it, “A healed Mind
does not plan….but it carries out the plans
that it receives through listening to wisdom that is not its own.””
Thank you for being a good scout and Shamanic Earthkeeper
Adventurer. Keep asking the questions, listening and looking for the answers. The Truth is there waiting for you. It
is in you!
May the gossamer wings
of the dragonfly take you to new dimensions of Soul Transformation!
Walk in balance, Azurae