Fears and Filling Yourself with Love,
Light and Harmony
Azurae Windwalker
holds people back. We constantly rerun thoughts that are
non-beneficial. What fear really is…. is bad management of our
mental faculties. Once you understand this you can overcome your
fears. What scares you so bad that is terrifying loses it grip on
you. You become more confident because you understand your thoughts
and how they create fear.“ Brendon Buchard

and every day we are bombarded with fear factory messages designed to
keep us under control and in fear. This runs directly contrary to
the message of the Highest Masters of White Light who speak to us of
the love, cooperation, unity and co-creation which is prevalent is
this New Golden Age of Light. As the gamma rays from the Sun and the
Greater Universe flood our atmosphere and as we vibrate at ever
higher and higher frequencies in Earth's trip through the Photon Belt
(which is a highly energetically charged area of the universe we
travel through every 30 some thousand years) …..the heavy energy of
our traumas and fears begin to boil to the surface to be cleared.
who are ruled by greed, fear and control do not fare so well during
this up shift towards Ascension. It's simply physics. When high
vibration meets low dense vibration somethings got to give. So what
we see in the news of people losing it, making violent attacks,
bankers jumping off of buildings, unexpected deaths and illnesses and
such are simply a result of the higher vibration of the Shift meeting
the low 3D vibration of fear filled people and the organizations they
those higher frequency people who have cleared many of their deeper
fears and trauma, have fewer trials and tribulations or experience
them in ways that allow them to learn their lessons, expand on their
soul birth-righted gifts and talents and move on to serve in whatever
way their soul path prescribes. Although the Shift energies cause
many symptoms on our evolutionary Ascension Spiral, we are very lucky
to be here experiencing this miracle of moving to a much higher
frequency of reality. And even better, what fears and heavy energy we
still carry, we can intentionally clear them faster and easier than
ever before.

is actually happening is a worldwide healing crises of people and our
beloved planet. Remember how bad you feel when you are doing a
healing cleanse and begin to kill off yeast or viruses. Pretty yucky
eh? That's what is happening but in a much wider scope in a body,
mind, soul and planetary way. And since we were chosen and chose to
be alive during this exceptional time, we will deal with it as best
we can. Luckily the Legions of the White Light Brotherhood, the
Chief Angels of Healing, the Spirit in Nature and our own Divine
Centers know just what to do to improve our plight. They have been
helping out for millennia and are upping their direct contact with
those who can help them on Mother Earth. We, as Earthkeepers, Prayer
Warriors, Healers, Peace makers and Wayshowers are sent a directive
from them to help in grounding their healing and helping assistance
into the here and now to move us out of 3rd
dimensional trauma and drama reality into 4th and 5th
dimensional peace, cooperation, unity, co creation and harmony
reality. Therefore we must focus our intent on the Light and Love at
the end of the tunnel and not get lost in the fear based illusions
designed to keep us down.
Hopi Elders shared a wonderful story with us at the A.R.E. Belonging
to Mother Earth Conference in 1997. It was a metaphore abut the
Shift times we are living in right now….. There was once
two grasshoppers trying to reach the other side of a fast moving
stream to get to the corn field and have a tasty meal. The first
grasshopper knew full well that the width of the
stream was a little too long for his hopping capabilities. BUT
he was greedy and hungry...So with great impudence he tried to jump
the stream anyway,. Unfortunately he fell into the mayhem of the
rushing water was smashed on the rocks and drowned. The second
grasshopper was a wiser and more considerate in his actions. He
surveyed the area for a more narrow area down stream and then spied a
log to jump on. He rode the log safe and sound downstream a ways
until the log landed on the opposite bank. He then jumped off on the
other side and had to travel a while upstream to find the cornfield
and his dinner. But he was a happy grasshopper with a full belly at
the end of the day! …….and the moral of the
story is...In a fast changing time as the Shift we are living in, we
must analyze our surroundings, find tools at hand to use in order to
reach our destination and go with the flow because the stream (of
reality) keeps changing.
the second wiser grasshopper we have many tools at our disposal to
use in clearing our fears, our traumas and painful memories so that
we don't sink our metaphorical log as we flow down the stream of
reality to reach our cornfields of abundant blessings, health,
harmony, unity and co-creative peace.
Tools for Clearing Fears
are living in a time of a huge variety of healing and helping
protocols. No doubt many of you use Reiki or some other form of
energy medicine. So as I carry these teachings throughout my service
area, I fully expect to add on to this list. Of tools for clearing
fears. Practical Shamanism is an ever expanding field of research.
Sometimes in class students add to our field of knowledge through
their study or experiences and sometimes we channel new or additions
to old favorite Practical Shamanic techniques to fit the situation at
hand. Them I note these and carry them on to future classes. So shall
it ever be.
are blessed with so very much help from our White Light Spirit
Doctors, Angels and Nature Spirit. And for this we give many thanks.
Thank you. Thank you, Thank you!
- Dowse the chakra clear
counterclockwise and then dowse
in clockwise the frequency of love. To do this you must journey to
the heart
soul center and embody love before you do it. (see later exercise)
spinning out trauma -Think
about the specific feeling of fear and feel where it in in your
body. With your hand trace whether it is spinning clockwise our
counter clockwise. Make your shamans fingers and spin it out of
your body and up your spine an above your head. Turn it upside down
by pretending to flip a ball and proceed to spin the energy back
down but this time in the opposite direction from how it came up.
The pack in the opposite upside down energy in that chacra. Now feel
the feeling again and see it appears in another part of the body.
Repeat the process around your body till you feel finished. Self
muscle test on each major or minor chacra to see if you are strong
there. If you are you are clear.
Freedom Tapping Technique – This
works by tapping various points in the body similar to acupuncture
points until clear.
Buttons – Educational Kinesiology – Place
the three middle fingers right under the hairlne on your forehead
more or less above slightly left and right of your eyes. Imagine a
video film of your fear incident. Run the video backwards and
forwards between your fingers. You'll find yourself looking at your
fingers when you are doing this. This will ease the painful memory,
fear, or endless loop thought tape of the incident until you can do
deeper work. Then in your mind place a video of the opposite
healthier positive event in splendid detail to fill the blank space.
Journey to clear painful memories and clear trauma (Core Trauma
Release) – This is another
use of NLP as well as Angelic and White Brotherhood intervention in
a shamanic journey format. Since many of our fears and trauma come
from past lives and or from ancestral memories it is often the
chosen technique after using the above techniques to clear immediate
needs. And you are able to get advice from your guides, angels or
totems to help you understand the soul lesson in your fear or pain.
journey destination #1 the Present
- You
invite a Totem or White Light Master Healer to come with you on this
journey. Send them a pink love light and ask it to return to ensure
this is the appropriate guide or totem for you. Spiral into your
inner landscape. You see
the present situation in all your senses, visual, auditory,
kinesthetic (feeling) and
smell. Put a cloud in front of the scene. Let
the cloud magnetize the whole scene into it. And
then turn the cloud into an energy ball. Now invite your White Light
Master Healer to take the energy ball out of your body to be
cleared. Next turn all these backwards. Such as what is large is now
small, What is bright is dark, what is loud is soft, what is rough
is smooth , what is wet is dry. Where you were once very emotionally
invested in the scene now it is like a boring video.
hateful voices you turn into high squeaky weak voices. Big bad
villains are made to be silly looking. You get it? What this does
is erase on a physical and emotional level the trauma. Now once
again put the cloud in front of the picture and allow it to
magnetically soak up the whole scene. Turn it into an energy ball
and give it to the Master White Light Healer to clear. Then fill
yourself up with a positive version which you create in all senses.
You turn that into a liquid energy which infuses your whole body
with a new healthier, loving reality and
thus reframes your reality.
journey destination # 2 the past
- we spiral through our
inner tunnel to the past to the same kind of event on your trauma
timeline as it presents in
the past. Note if you
recognize some of the players in your soap opera. We
tend to reincarnate with our soul family over and over and sometimes
they agree to play villains because they are helping you to learn
and grow by testing you. Is
it in this time or another. Where is it? What is the theme? Repeat
the above #1 shamanic
clearing and reframing
journey destination #3 we spiral into the original core trauma.
is where
fear pattern began. This is usually a past life or an ancestral
trauma you carry in DNA memory. We repeat the first shamanic
clearing pattern. Then
we talk to Your White Light Master healer, oR totem and find
answers to the meaning of this pattern. How did this affect Your
soul growth? What can we learn from this? How have we Further
developed our gifts and talents by having this challenge? Then we
thank your guide for his help and reverse
our process spiraling
into ordinary reality. It's
really good to journal after this to make sure you get all the
surgery to clear implants, programs, governors, tools of death, and
other Trauma Residue - By putting on our Archangel Raphael gloves we can magnetize this
residue that is left from traumatic past lives. Implants can cause
physical as well as emotional pain and cause you to leak vital Life
force. Programs cause you to repeat a non-beneficial behavior
pattern over and over from one lifetime to the next and in your
current life. They look like wifi boxes. Take them out and you are
free to be who you are. Governors have been put in place when your
soul was young to keep you from growing to your full potential.
They look like big black marble cubes held in a chacra. When they
are released you are free to grow to your highest potential. Tools
of death are swords, knives, or other weapons whose ghost energy is
still in cellular, spirit body and DNA memory. Clear them and you
lose many physical ailments and weaknesses. For instance a sword in
the throat causing an inability to do public speaking which reverses
to good public speaking abilities when it is lifted out.
Light Ascension Attunement #3 – Retrieving a Powerful Spiritual
Warrior Protector – A
journey to the above world to the Temple of Knowledge to retrieve a
Powerful spiritual protector and then merging with him for courage.
of Disintegration White Light Attunement - Working
with a channeled geometric form and a crystal, send your fears into
a black hole and erase them. This is a metaphor which attracts the
reality of the clearing of fears and other non-beneficial habits and
The Typical Types of Fears in Modern Life
ancient times our only fears were fight or flight kinds of fears.
Would the bear in the cave eat us if we go in to get out of the rain?
Or would we die if we
fall off a cliff? Would we burn outr hands if we put them in a fire?
Or how would we survive if we are separated from our tribe or larger
family? If we hadn't had these fears our species would not have
survived. Psychologists say that fear of falling and fear of death
are our primary fears that we are born with. But in modern times
there's a new twist to our fears and they are largely manufactured by
ourselves. Fake fears…. Many produced and helped along by the fear
factory of media and the puppeteers in big business and government.
So let's address these. They
are there types of pain/fear that pervades our world. And are self
pain – If I change my life I might lose something I like – this
could be job, spose, home, friends, co-workers, financial security
etc. By starting your own business you lose financial security. But
what do you gain? Turn around the fears and overcome them losses with
benefits. If I quit smoking I won't be able to go outside for a
smoking break. But what do you gain? Health. Going up stairs with
plenty of breath. No more tobacco stains…..Diet ..fear of losing
favorite foods. In the end ypu may lose security but you get more
freedom and excitement from facing challenges.
Pain – Change is hard. I don't know how to do this. If
you quit smoking you will have to go through withdrawals and maybe
gain weight. If I diet I'll have to shop in new places and learn how
to cook new meals and do exercise. To master life we have to learn
how to see change as gain. Challenges help us live a full life and
helps us learn our soul lessons and grow our gifts and talents.
pain – What if
you go through all this change and the outcome is not any better?
Turn this around !
dream, visualize, treasure map, attract, put emotion and intent
into a healthy, fun, positive, vibrant, fulfilling , happy outcome
for yourself.
can certainly STOP the fear thinking process. Then you can attract
what you want. Flip Fears to Gains and a Positive Life.
on your Wheel of Disintegration work sheet write down 16 fears to
test and see which of the above clearing techniques would be the
most effective for your list of fears to clear.
Aromas & Plants
to Help Fear Clearing Process
– Black Tourmaline – (fear
neutralizer) Fear Illness
– Rhodonite, Fear Aging – Blue quartz,
Fear Death – Copper, Fear Dark – Blue ot Pink Chalcedony, Fear
sleeping – Rhodochrosite, Fearlessness – Smoky Quartz
– Courage – Black pepper, clove, fennel, ginger, onion, sweet
pea, thyme, yarrow
– Rescue Remedy
and Bushes – alder –
protection during changes, Aspen – face fears and doubts through
open communication, Cedar - protection and cleansing, Eucalyptus –
balance emotions, Holly – be a spiritual warrior, Yucca –
Survival through perseverance, Oak -strength, Otrange – release
fears and trust emotions and dreams, Pine - emotional protection,
strength, softness, Walnut - power for transitions,.
– work through
fears and sorrows for rebirth, Sunflower
– happiness. well being, strong healing energy, Tiger Lilly –
Maintain balance and strength in all you do, Yang Yang – doubts
will pass, hold to the simple truth.
– Bayberry –
objectively examine fears,
Catnip – Face fears and look for the magic within, Garlic
-protection and cleansing, Peppermit – trust the process of life,
Spearmint – emotions will settle, Rosemary – Protection and
healing, be positive, rose – divine feminine love.
in the Love and Light
is a cosmic truth that when we clear non-beneificial energies like
pain and fear we must replace the opposite of that back so that we
can attract that which benefits us. The opposite of fear is love. And
Light is the energy of love where as dark is the energy of fear.
Journey to the Heart Soul Center
Where Love Lies
the happiest most loving day of your life. You are secure and at
peace. Perhaps in nature, hear the sounds of nature, music voices and
their qualities. Are they loud or soft. What is the tone or pitch. Is
there a rhythm? See the vision of this place. What is near or far.
What is bright or dark. What is in bright color and what is in
shadow. What is large or small. How does it feel? Warm, cold wet.
dry, hard soft, rough smooth? And how does your body feel? Now take
all that and make it a movie. Turn that movie into an energy ball.
Now explode that energy ball into a thousand very small pieces.
these pieces of light move down from your mind, down your cheeks,
into your jaws and then your neck. Let the light move into your chest
and then lie over your heart. If you are a woman let the light pieces
merge into your heart and into the seat of your soul. If you are a
man let them spiral into the seat of your soul. Now be in this place
of unconditional love and notice what you see, feel and hear. Finally
come back to your body and enter our world of illusion once again.
Inside your heart in the soul center exists your link to Creator and
Great Spirit...the REAL reality.
you lose your fears and traumas the seat of your soul becomes
brighter and better. But still it is the most beautiful blissful
place imaginable. It is from this place of infinite love and oneness
with Creator that we can really project love to others. Love sent
from the mind automatically produces love and the opposite of that
because the mind is a duality based system. The heart, however,
exists only to love. It is the shamans doorway.
the Heart Chant – Ah ah ah,
ah ah ah ah ah. Ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah. Ah tesh na hey nah ah, Ah
tesh na hey nah ah, Ani co co ni, ani co ni, tesh na, ha ha (sang
3,6 or 9 times) Cherokee song to open the heart and bring things back
to a natural balance.
Light Invocation
am the Light, the Light moves within me, the Light moves throughout
me, the Light supports me, the Light protects me. I am the Light.
(Sang 7 times)
Wheel of Integration
consider love based qualities or positive archetypes of yourself that
you wish to manifest and bring them from the outer vortexes to the I
AM Center. (This is available at the workshop)
rejoice in a new day! Aho. Wado. Thank you thank, you thank you!