Testimonials for Azurae Windwalker.....Practical Shamanism and Nature Spirit Energy Medicine Practitioner, Teacher and Shamanic Healing Artist

“I highly recommend attending Azurae' s classes for Empaths..."
“I highly recommend attending Azurae ' s classes for Empaths, as her techniques for clearing, grounding, shielding and working with your spirit body are effective, easy and necessary if you are a Lightworker in any capacity. This gives you the basics you need to start healing yourself so you can effectively help others. I've yet to find anyone else who teaches a set of comprehensive techniques such as these.” Michelle Trull, Northern VA Senior Practical Shamanism Student
“Soul retrieval is so powerfully healing!.......... Keep up the great work!"
“Soul retrieval is so powerfully healing! Nothing else works as well as becoming whole to oneself - of the energy we are rightfully entitled to! Many people know something is wrong...they might even say...something is missing! They have half of the answer...they just didn't know it was part of them! You do this (soul retrieval) work as a medicine woman/shaman.....The great thing is that no matter the method, the recognition of the trauma that caused the (soul) break, there is the great need to return this soul part and integrate it. I appreciate your being here on earth at this time to act as guide to others higher awareness and the healing of our Mother Earth. Keep up the great work, and may you receive the blessings of our forefathers/grandmothers, plus the Great Spirit that connects us all!” Dee Chips, President of the National Association for Transpersonal Hypnotherapy & Serpent Mound Shamanic Adventurer with Azurae
"I would not be where I am today on my life path without
her assistance."
"Over the past couple years I have been a client and student of Azurae’s. In this time we have encountered and tackled some of my health issues. In order for me to heal and move forward Azurae performed cord cutting ceremonies and so retrieval. She is also removed devices that have inhibited my healing and growth. She has an exceptional connection with the higher spirits and they are a fabulous working team. Azurae is very knowledgeable in many areas of healing and is willing to share her knowledge through her workshops. I have participated in these workshops and am grateful for the knowledge she shared. I learned so much.
Her meditations and journeys that she holds at the Amethyst Center are simply amazing. The energy there is so high I can guarantee that everyone will walkway with a nugget of knowledge and a start on the healing process.
I would not be where I am today on my life path without her assistance. I am forever grateful. Azurae, I thank you for all you do and for being a blessing to so many. May you continue to spread light and love throughout your journey and may your life be blessed as you continue to bless others. A’ho". Rev. Dr. Elisa M Keith, PhD, Practical Shamanism student and healing client
"I celebrate your existence here on Mother Earth at this time."
"Please accept this small gift to you and the Medicine Wheel for allowing me to learn and participate at your home this past weekend. It was a great experience and I celebrate your existence here on Mother Earth at this time. Thank you so much for your wonderful knowledge and passing this on.. Love and Light" Heidi Dorsey, massage therapist, Practical Shamanism student
"We are endless in healing for all of you..."
"After the healing on Sat. to my heart by you, your gateway turtle picture, and the workshop group, the very clear message I got when we connected with our healing White Brotherhood spirit doctors was, “We are endless in healing for all of you, the Earth and the Universe.” Rev. Tina Stonestreet, Artist and Interfaith Minister, Practical Shamanism student
"Your healing is the only thing I've done lately that could account for that..."
“I had inherited my daughters' cats in July 2012 when she moved out of the country. I have been taking homeopathic medicines to counteract my awful AWFUL cat allergies - they worked but only when I took them; usually my allergies came back within a couple of days of running out of the medicine. When I received the healings from you last month, I had run out of the medicine and thought, oh well, I will start taking it when the allergies kick back in. But they have not! Your healing is the only thing I've done lately that could account for that, thanks! And Mac and Brick, our cats, thank you because they're getting a lot more loving now that I can cuddle with them!!" Maribeth Coye Decker, CMT, MS, MGA, NO VA senior student and healing client
"It was Wonderful!"
Bless you and thank you for last night! It was wonderful! Looking forward to the next of the series in March! Carolyn Bratton, director of the Lifestream Center in Roanoke VA and winter workshop series sponsor
"We all live in a better place because of you!"
"Thank you for all you do for everybody....even the world. We all live in a better place because of you. Heidi and Marsha at Cook Kent Institute say that money is an exchange of energy. so please accept this low voltage of energy for all your activities. Thanks & come back soon! Sharon Beck, Charlotte Ascension Medicine Wheel Student Student
Mayan Sacred Chocolate Ceremony in the
Ascension Medicine Wheel
"Amazing is a nice word, though not powerful enough!"
A testimonial about the Mayan Sacred Chocolate Ceremony we will do at the Workshop. "A few words about last night at The Nook...It is difficult to describe how it feels to journey 'beyond'. Amazing is a nice word, though not powerful enough! The Cacao drink was sweet, fiery and exciting. It was the deepest, dark chocolate you can imagine. We took a journey through the Guatemalan jungle to meet the Grandmother Cacao plant with a very special and new Guide. There was silence, the Harmonies of The Universe, bright colors, and extraordinary messages. Let's just say WOW!" Marsha Cook, co-founder of the Cook Kent Institute at the Nook (training mediums and healers in Charlotte NC)
Practical Shamanism and Nature Spirit
Medicine Apprenticeship
"Beginning the apprenticship is the most personally
empowering decision I ever made!"
“Beginning the shamanism apprenticeship has been the most personally empowering decision I have ever made. It is truly the journey of a lifetime!” "I admire your ability to connect your talents, gifts and service with your livelihood on this plane. How do you do that? Thank you for each and every time you have prayed for me with words, thoughts or in dreams. You live in my heart. Love and laughter" Silver Howell, Graduate Apprentice
Soul Retrieval Petroglyph Portraits
"I have not stopped thinking how
beautiful it is.."
"After our brief meeting at the Raleigh Expo I took my drawing home and I have not stopped thinking about how beautiful and wonderful it is! I have been on such a fast track in the healing arts and I so looking forward to learning more and contacting my grandmother and grandfather ancestors through shamanism. I look forward to the workshops!" Heidi Dorsey, Massage Therapist
"Your Soul Retrieval Petroglyph Portraits are brilliant!"
"Your Soul Retrieval Petroglyph Portraits are brilliant. You got me spot on!" Dr. Yvonne Oswald, Award Winning Best Selling Author and Professional Speaker
"Just know that they (totems, soul colors and sacred
symbols) prove things I always knew."
“I went to Azurae Windwalker to have a Soul Portrait done. I wanted this due to my Native American Heritage. Now I am not going to explain what all of these things mean. Just know that they prove things... I always knew. Things I thought people would think I was crazy for telling them I could do. Things I have yet to write about for that reason.... Before long you will get a blog on why I have green and teal stripes on this picture. Why there is a black crow and why there is that triangle thing in the middle. I feel that they require a blog of their own. I was glad to hear the things I did. I was proud of what I found out.” Riri from Raleigh
"I still have mine that you did for me a few years ago. Everybody who sees it always asks me where I got it." Bev Feidler
Drum making & Sound Therapy
"Our family drum is absolutely
"Our Family drum is absolutely beautiful!!. We can't express how honored we feel and how grateful we are for the time, energy and spirit you put into it for us. Thank you, Thank you Thank you. We will use it with only the utmost respect." Lisa, Deena and Zoe
"Thank you so much for the Drum making and Sound Therapy workshop. I have been drumming for 10 minutes every day and using the teachings to experiment. Thank you SO much! "Jan
"Thank you Azurae for the healing drum making session! Who knew it would take all day? My drum is so healing. Whenever I feel ungrounded. I beat my drum. I would recommend anyone to do this with you. You are so informative, and patient. I had so much fun and learned so much. BTW, The magical trees on your property still sing to my soul. I have never met such wonderful Catalpas before. I love their energy, and wisdom!!" Mary Kathleen McCormick
Lifeforce Shield Amulets &
Shamanic Jewelry
"It is like wearing regalia as a reminder of sacred space.."
"I love my wolf tooth necklace! I have been wearing it when I am leading a group. It is like wearing some regalia as a reminder of being in sacred space. Thank you! You are a generous being." Diane Elliot, Restaurateur, Cherokee ceremonialist, Sufi minister.
"This is such a beautiful and uplifting necklace. Already getting compliments on it." Orange moonstone Beaded Lifeforce Amulet Holly Inscore, ETSY customer review five stars
"Beautiful, brilliant with a magical quality. I absolutely loved this piece and have received many compliments. Azurae is a gifted artist. Thank you!!!" Green Obsidian Lifeforce Shield Amulet, W NC ETSY customer five star review"
Amazing! Thank you for your time in helping select the perfect
amulet. The piece is beautiful and suits everything - mind, body and
soul. I put it on right when I received it today and anticipate
the meaning with others as I wear it! Thanks again!" Moss Agate Lifeforce Shield Beaded Amulet, Amanda Fitch ETSY five star customer review
"I absolutely love my new Amulet. It is even more beautiful than the
picture and I want to wear it every day. I would love each color
offered and plan to tell my family that is what I want during gift
seasons." Kyanite Lifeforce Shield Amulet, Debbie ETSY five star customer review
Gateway Healing Totem Petroglyph Prints
"I love my Dragon fly print …..This is beautifully made and I love the meanings behind the elements in the portrait" Holly Inscore, ETSY five star customer review
"A strong meditation portrait...so powerful yet so gentle. Beautiful. Thank you for the kind card, I look forward to seeing your new creations to come. And thank you for the protective packaging and fast shipping." Rattlesnake Gateway Print, Sammy, ETSY five star customer review
"Azurae was extremely thoughtful in her her research and artwork and was very accommodating to what I had in mind. Her work is very beautiful." Medicine Wheel of Skip Myers commission from Kathyrn Ricard, five star ETSY customer review
Gateway Healing Ceremony
"The wave of love is still rolling around the planet!"
"What a beautiful experience we created! Thank you Azurae windwalker for bringing and sharing your wisdom and your love for teaching from the Native American perspective. And much gratitude for creating such a sacred space to gather in. The wave of love is still rolling around the planet. I can feel it!!!!" Raleigh Practical Shamanism student.