
Our Mission

Our Mission is to Reawaken to the Spirit in Nature and Nurture the Spirit Within.
What We Do:
· Conduct Woodland Indian Ceremonies for personal and planetary healing.
· Use and grow our Worldwide Amethyst Bio Grid for Eco-shamanism and Earth Healing
· Teach Practical Shamanism and Nature Spirit Work/Eco-shamanism to build competent helpers & healers.
· Investigate local and national sacred site and reawaken them for healing.
· Actively work with the Spirit in Nature to create the best possible future during storms, earthquakes, droughts  and fires. 
· Crop circle investigation and communicating with their energies.
· Restoring the Great Serpent Mound in Ohio as a working Earth healing point.
· Earthchange Attunements with the Brotherhood of White Light.

Who are we?
The Amethyst Center as an organization is a loose confederation of volunteers who are students of Practical Shamanism, Native American Indian friends and other shamanic practitioners who share similar values of personal and planetary healing, earthkeeping and spiritual ethics. Many are gifted healers, intuitives, counselors, health care professionals, energy medicine practitioners, singers, drummers and helpers from all races and walks of life. Although Azurae’s property has a sign which says “The Amethyst Center,” the real truth is that the Amethyst Center is your own Heart Divine Center and we take that everywhere we travel!