
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Fall Harvest Ceremony 2018 Invitation Oct. 21

Annual Fall Harvest Ceremony and Friends of the Amethyst Center Homecoming is Sun. Oct. 21

You are invited to our annual celebration of our Eastern Woodland Indian Heritage and our abundant harvests Sun. Oct 21   2 to 6 at the AC. We enjoy singing and drumming led by Azurae Windwalker and the Redfeather Medicine Singers. Enjoy fellowship, fun and culture in  Indian circle dances, the Corn Dance, and The Harvest Dance.  Diane Elliot will be telling stories. And we will be building a ceremonial fire and making tobacco fire prayers for ourselves, friends, family and for Mother Earth.. Bring a spiritual gift you no longer resonate with for our spiritual giveaway trade blanket . And bring a lawn chair, drum, rattle or flute if you have them. We have plenty to borrow. A potluck follows the ceremony. A love offering is taken and there will be a silent auction to finance repairs to our Barn Healing Sanctuary. Call or text Azurae Windwalker at 540-947-2423 for more info. WE hope to see you at this most uplifting and fun event. Absolutely no drugs or alcohol allowed

Shamanic teacher / author Sandta Ingerman says "Join me In Ceremony ...In times of destabilization, as we are in now, myself and thousands of others have found by  performing ceremonies we step into a feeling of being connected to our spiritual light and the creative forces of the universe. People around the world have been stepping into the ancient transformative field of ceremonial work for tens of thousands of years.

Performing ceremonies helps us to identify the intentions and passion of our soul,  heal old trauma, abuse, wounds, hurts, betrayals, honor changes, receive guidance, create a doorway into the unseen realms to communicate with the helping spirits from the depth of our soul, and to perform the work we need to bring in new healthier ways of living.

Ceremony makes us feel solid, empowered, and that we have the spiritual muscles to ride out challenges. And when we join our hearts to gather with friends, loved ones, and our local global community the effects of the work are exponential."